Titanium Screws

Titanium screws are being used in the heavy construction industry as well as various medical fields. Because of their strength, ability to resist corrosion, and other properties, they are becoming more common with each passing year. Titanium is uniquely lightweight, which is a huge advantage in the aerospace industry. The low weight and low density of titanium screws makes them highly reliable. While they cost more than traditional steel or brass screws, titanium screws are revolutionizing several large industries.Titanium does not corrode, which is why construction companies use it on large, outdoor projects where the climate is especially wet. In addition, many auto parts are now made from titanium, or use these screws to hold parts together. Over time, some construction projects have to be redone due to rotted and rusted steel screws. This is not the case with titanium screws because they do not corrode and thus do not have to be replaced.Bronze, steel, and brass screws are increasingly being replaced by lightweight, non-corrosive titanium screws. Whether a construction project, an aerospace design, or any of many other engineering challenges, titanium screws are the way to go. Even though they cost more than screws made of other substances, titanium pays for itself in the long run since it does not have to be replaced.In the aerospace industry, lightweight components are a major advantage. One problem designers often face, however, is finding lightweight but strong substances. Screws made of titanium and other parts are in place on millions of aviation vehicles and aerospace components because they are both lightweight and strong. The length of service quickly offsets the extra initial cost of titanium.In the healthcare field, titanium screws and parts are becoming extremely common. Because titanium does not cause a toxic reaction in the human body, the metal is ideal for prosthetic appliances and implants of all kinds. At one time, surgical pins were made from steel. Sadly, those devices often failed or needed frequent replacement. With titanium screws and pins in surgical situations, there is no need to worry about replacement because the pins do not corrode.Titanium is truly a wonder metal in more ways than one. The slightly higher cost when compared to steel and brass is more than offset by the extreme durability of titanium. Before the end of this decade, look for titanium to take an even bigger role in all areas of construction, design, and engineering.